
Class: Parent Guided Sex Education

Date: 09/25/14 from 7-9 PM

180° Education Center

230 S. Elm St. Greensboro, NC

Equipping parents to nurture the sexual/romantic development of their children.

In this course William McCarthy M.A., L.P.C. Joins parents to address and minimize feelings of inadequacy and insecurity about sex, romance, and parenting. The setting is a posh, downtown conference room with no more than 10 total students.

Topics include but are not limited to: bonding, shame, sexual abuse, gender, communication, pornography, rite of passage, planning, and anonymous Q&A

Fees are $100 individual or $150 couples/co parents. Please pay in advance by phone or check to reserve your seat. Payable to 180°, 1816 Pembroke Rd., Greensboro, NC, 27408. Your payment is a nonrefundable commitment to attend. You will be referred to the next month course if seating is full. 

* Find convenient parking in The Green Street Parking Deck. Park, walk past Liberty Oak Restaurant around the block, toward Elm St. Walk left/north on Elm St. and you will see a sign for 180o Counseling Services. Enter 180° labeled door and proceed up stairs.